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The Royal progress to the pavilion

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Before one o'clock the Royal carriages, sent down specially from Windsor for the occasion, arrived at the Station, and for a time became the centre of interest. The platforms, near the of entrance to the station, were brilliant, as much with the lively anticipation of coming pleasure depicted on the countenances of the occupants, as with the parti-coloured silks and other fabrics that composed their attire.

The first of the Royal carriages having drawn up at the entrance to the station, Lord Crofton (the Lord-in-Waiting on Her Majesty), Sir Thomas Biddulph, and Colonel Gordon, took their seats. The second carriage then drew up, and the Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G., in the Windsor uniform, wearing the star and ribbon of the Garter, assisted into the carriage the three Ladies-in-Waiting, Countess of Caledon, the Hon. Flora Macdonald, and Lady Susan Melville and the carriage made way for the third. The Queen's carriage stood at the doors some seconds, during which the populace seemed to hold their breath, in readiness for a lusty cheer of greeting, which broke forth as soon as Her Majesty was seen. She was followed by Prince Christian (who wore the uniform of a general officer), Princess Christian, and Princess Louise. Successively they were loudly cheered, and acknowledged the tokens of loyalty and esteem thus given, in the usual way. From the Station to the Pavilion in High Green, the vocal demonstrations of delight on the part of the populace, and the bowing of the occupants of the Queen's carriage, never ceased. Sometimes, where the crowd was denser, the cheering swelled into a roar, and everywhere, without interruption, the people, shouted, "Welcome!" to the Queen, and the Queen and the Princesses silently thanked the people in return.

The Low Level station where the procession began.

The bands of volunteers in the vicinity of the Great Western Station, at the Mitre Inn, Cleveland Street, and elsewhere, played the National Anthem with one accord, and the troops, regular and volunteer, presented arms along the whole route. The unanimity of sentiment exhibited in the applause of the crowd, the uniformity of the progress, which was almost devoid of everything that can be called incident, the well-kept barriers, the people orderly, and the police and soldiery good-humoured, made the progress from the Railway Station well-conducted and pleasant.

Her Majesty's attention seemed to be attracted first by the coal arch on the Wednesfield Road, the quaint appropriateness of which could scarcely fail to commend itself to her mind. At the corner of Canal Street, where the junction of two thoroughfares affords a large space for the gathering of a crowd, a dense mass of people greeted the Queen with the heartiest cheer uttered up to this point; and the marked acknowledgment they received in response satisfied every delighted spectator that his applause had gone home to his Sovereign's heart. The grand demonstration was in Queen Street; this street was by far the most handsome scene of the whole drama. Not only were the festoons of banners and flags arranged with great taste, and the temporary erections for the convenience of sightseers constructed with some regard to the general architectural character of the street, but the windows, doorways, and roofs of houses, the platforms, stands, and galleries, were crowded with well dressed and happy looking people in thousands; while from end to end the pavements were packed as densely as it is possible to pack human beings. The whole formed a spectacle of the most striking, and not least exhilarating kind. The eyes of the people beamed with pleasure; their hearty cheers told honestly their unrestrained delight; and until Queen Street was passed, Her Majesty and her Daughters were occupied incessantly in the laborious, but apparently not unwelcome duty, of bowing their appreciation of the respect thus demonstrated. From this point to High Green, through Dudley Street, Snow Hill, Cleveland Street, Salop Street, and Darlington Street, the exhibition of popular delight was maintained with equal spirit; and the applause of the crowds that lined those thoroughfares, and filled the houses on either side, was an appropriate prelude to the chorus of cheers which welcomed the Royal party upon its arrival, about a quarter before two o'clock, in sight of the grand Pavilion in High Green, in the following order of procession:

Mounted Police
The Chief Constable
Yeomanry Advance Guard
Squadron of Cavalry
Carriages containing Members of the Council
Squadron of Cavalry
Carriages containing Members of the Council
The Borough Members.
Aldermen Ironmonger, Underhill, Fowler, and Hawksford
The Recorder and the Clerk of the Peace
The Mayor
The Town Clerk, and the Mayor's Chaplain
The Bishop of the Diocese, and Archdeacon Moore and Chancellor Law
The Lord Lieutenant of the County
The Royal Carriages containing:
First: The Lord in Waiting.
In the Second:
The Lady in Waiting on the Queen, The Lady in Waiting on Her Royal Highness Princess. Christian, Maid of Honour to the Queen, The Earl of Derby, K.G
In the Third :
The Queen, Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian, Schleswig-Holstein, Her Royal Highness Princess Louise

The Royal Escort consisting of a Squadron of the Eighth Hussars and
Lord Alfred Paget (Clerk Marshal) and Lieutenant General Hon. C. Grey, on horseback.

Return to
the arrival
Return to
the beginning
Proceed to
the pavilion