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Her Majesty's return

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Returning from the Statue, Her Majesty Majesty started on another two miles' drive, down Cock Street, Skinner Street, and School Street, where she passed under the hardware arch into Waterloo Road, at the corner of which she received from the assembled spectators a perfect ovation, by Stafford Road, Stafford. Street, Princess Street, Queen Street, and Railway Street, to the Low Level Station, everywhere greeted with renewed applause, and everywhere acknowledging her reception with the warmest courtesy, she reached the terminus of her long drive at the Great Western Station.

An early view of the statue. From an old postcard.

Lucheon had been prepared for the Royal party in one room and for the suite in another. The Royal party remained in their room for nearly an hour, their re-appearance being anxiously awaited by a very large number of those who had witnessed their arrival earlier in the day.

By this time it had become pretty generally known that Her Majesty had conferred on the Mayor the honour of Knighthood, and when the members of .the Corporation had assembled on the platform, his Worship received their hearty congratulations on the event.

Previous to Her Majesty's departure, the Mayoress, accompanied by Miss Morris, Miss Ironmonger, and Miss Mander, were introduced to Princess Christian, and presented to Her Royal Highness, in the name of a few ladies of Wolverhampton, a very handsome bracelet.

At a quarter before four o'clock the Royal carriages were brought to the platform, the band of the 8th Hussars again played the National Anthem, and the train moved off amid the cheers of the assembled multitude.

Since the interesting ceremony of the Inauguration, an appropriate railing, the design for which was approved of by the sculptor, has been erected round the Statue. The cost of the railings was generously defrayed by the Mayor.

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the pavilion
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the luncheon