Max Miller

Max Miller was born in Brighton in 1894. He left school at the age of twelve and move from job to job until he was called-up to serve in the First World War. He began to perform to his fellow soldiers and after the war he gave a few performances in pubs and theatres in the Brighton area. He joined a concert party on Brighton sea front as a song and dance man and got the occasional solo booking in a London theatre. His career soon took off and by the 1930s he was often top of the bill at the major variety theatres including the London Palladium.

Max was always dressed in his famous flower-patterned suit with the slightly tilted trilby hat. His signature tune was 'Mary from the Dairy'. He mastered the double entendre and became known as 'The Cheeky Chappie'. He was a master of his art and always had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand. His timing was perfect and he was extremely quick-witted. His act always finished with a song.

He was the country's top comedian from the early 1930s to the 1950s and he made many records and appeared in 14 films. Most of his material was considered too risky for broadcasting and so he did comparatively little on the radio, in fact at one time the BBC banned him for five years.

He always loved Brighton and would return home whenever possible. He died there in 1963.