The Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace in London, acted as a ‘wake-up’ call to many of our industries. The standard of the foreign exhibits, in particular the French and German products was much higher than our own, featuring better design, and superior workmanship, from a higher skilled workforce. People quickly realised that something had to be done to re-address the balance, in order for the UK to successfully compete with our neighbours.

The more progressive industrial towns and cities in the UK set about correcting the situation by establishing schools of art and design, to train, and improve the skills of craftsmen and women.

Wolverhampton Art Gallery, as seen from across Lichfield Street. The side entrance facing St. Peter's Gardens was the main entrance to the School of Art and Crafts, which was in the back part of the building to the left of the entrance.



1.   The Early Years
2.   The School of Art and Crafts
3.   The 1948 Prospectus
4.   The Later Years

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